Sunday, February 14, 2010

The dragon dancer were not members of the church. They were a buddist youth group that does this but while they were there some were asking about the church and have had the missionaries come.

The begining of last week was a bit crazy, the Laucks last day was today and I'm not ready to let them leave just yet. The are heading to Utah (Park City) to thier second home to stay three weeks and visit their children and grandchildren in Utah. Then they are coming back for a week and they leave for a trip to Key West Florida. I will sure miss them.

That same day Bro. Dunning had a Dr. appt. a check up on the stint precedure he had done a year ago. They called him in and told him he would have to have by-pass surgery. He choose to have it done here because of the excellent health facilities and Drs. and they have no children living in Utah anymore. But they do have a daughter living an hour away from Houston. Sister Dunning will contiune to serve, and Elder Dunning plans to be back in a month. He had his surgery Fri. morning everything went very well. Had him up walking that night.
In the mean time Elder Rogers and I are trying to hold down the office! We have already had to move missionaries from one apartment complex to another. They were raising the rent and we had to pay $60. every time they changes missionaries which can happen every 6 weeks. So we decided to find a different place. All we had to do to move them was have the trailer there and the missionaries did the rest. When we got that done we went and picked up a missionary 40 miles away in Rosenburg, who was going home for medical reasons. Had to get him to the airport by 5:00 It took us about 2 hours to get him there. He has discovered he has a blood deases that needs taken care of. Then hopfully he will be back to finish his mission in a month or so. He's a great kid. He lives in Highland, but we didn't know him or his family. We have about 5 missionaries from Highland and Alpine we know two. It was quite an adventure. The GPS took us right through Houston, If you think Utah drivers are bad come on down. It was a wild and crazy ride. I don't get nervous when we are driving very often but there were a few anxious moments. But we made it there and back just fine. I'm sure there is a better way to go but will have to study it a little better.

This nexted week is a busy week not unlike the rest but i'm still worrying about this one coming up. A lot of new things I need to do with out Sr. Laucks help, The newsletter is coming up , the Presidents Notes, a member of the Seventies is visiting the mission and need to do things for that. new handbooks being made and getting ready for transfers again. I can do this!!!! We hope!!!!

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