Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mar 6,2010 How time Flies

I can"t believe three weeks have gone by. Time is flying. We are getting ready for our second transfer meeting. I think I told you every thing revolves around six weeks transfers. I'll try to bring us up to date.

We are still keeping very busy at the Mission Office, partly because I'm slow and we have a lot to do. But WE LOVE IT!!! Everyone is so good to us. Some of the things I've been learning and doing is putting to gather a revised Texas Houston South Mission Handbook. It has 66 pages and is bond. We just got is back this week, just in time for our new missionaries. The book contains information for the missionaries like Phone numbers.ward listings, mission procedures and standards and policies.

A week ago we had Elder and Sister Zwick (Quorum of the Seventies) come and tour our mission. It was a beautiful and spiritual experience. We were invited to attend one of the Zone meetings where they taught the missionaries. It is amazing to me to see what they ask the missionaries to accomplish. And they step up to the task and do it. They taught a lot about being teachable, obedient, listen to and follow the spirit. The only way we can teach the gospel and for others to know of its truthfulness. They shared --We must not limit ourselves by what we think we can do, say, accomplish but rely on the Holy Ghost to expand your ability to do things we are asked to do. I can see this happening to us. I am not a Secretary or computer expert. But I'm doing things I would never of imagined. It takes me all day and night but it happening. We are grateful for our opportunity to serve a mission and to serve in the Texas Houston South Mission.

It was interesting when we meet the Zwicks Gaylen had worked with him when he worked for the State of Utah. Larry and Catherine Casutt also know him and had great things to say about him.

During all the meetings and assignments we are still entering in about 40 to 50 referrals a day and about 10 Baptism a week. We put out a Newsletter and did Pres. Notes.

We have been keeping in touch with Ron and Mary Clark. Mary has not been well for several months. They informed us she had cancer which we were very sad to hear. We prayed she could get treatment and regain her health but that was not to be. She passed away last week with Ron and her family around her. We will miss her so much. She was so kind and good to Gaylen and I. We shared a lot of good times together,they've been a great example to us. We are so grateful for the knowledge of the gospel and eternal life.

We have had a lot of rain and very chilly but it is starting to warm up. Things are starting to get green and trees are starting to leaf. They have a lot of pansies planted and they are looking bright and happy.

We are going into the Office today to try and get caught up on paper work and be ready for Transfers Tue. Pres. Saylin assigned us to a new Ward ,we are to go to the Sugar Land 2nd Ward. we will miss our other ward. They have been so kind and friendly. We will start there tomorrow at 9:00.

The laundry is calling to change loads. We'll talk again after I get my work done. Well maybe before that.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The kids in the smaller dragon were about 10 yrs and the bigger dragon kids were teens.
The dragon dancer were not members of the church. They were a buddist youth group that does this but while they were there some were asking about the church and have had the missionaries come.

The begining of last week was a bit crazy, the Laucks last day was today and I'm not ready to let them leave just yet. The are heading to Utah (Park City) to thier second home to stay three weeks and visit their children and grandchildren in Utah. Then they are coming back for a week and they leave for a trip to Key West Florida. I will sure miss them.

That same day Bro. Dunning had a Dr. appt. a check up on the stint precedure he had done a year ago. They called him in and told him he would have to have by-pass surgery. He choose to have it done here because of the excellent health facilities and Drs. and they have no children living in Utah anymore. But they do have a daughter living an hour away from Houston. Sister Dunning will contiune to serve, and Elder Dunning plans to be back in a month. He had his surgery Fri. morning everything went very well. Had him up walking that night.
In the mean time Elder Rogers and I are trying to hold down the office! We have already had to move missionaries from one apartment complex to another. They were raising the rent and we had to pay $60. every time they changes missionaries which can happen every 6 weeks. So we decided to find a different place. All we had to do to move them was have the trailer there and the missionaries did the rest. When we got that done we went and picked up a missionary 40 miles away in Rosenburg, who was going home for medical reasons. Had to get him to the airport by 5:00 It took us about 2 hours to get him there. He has discovered he has a blood deases that needs taken care of. Then hopfully he will be back to finish his mission in a month or so. He's a great kid. He lives in Highland, but we didn't know him or his family. We have about 5 missionaries from Highland and Alpine we know two. It was quite an adventure. The GPS took us right through Houston, If you think Utah drivers are bad come on down. It was a wild and crazy ride. I don't get nervous when we are driving very often but there were a few anxious moments. But we made it there and back just fine. I'm sure there is a better way to go but will have to study it a little better.

This nexted week is a busy week not unlike the rest but i'm still worrying about this one coming up. A lot of new things I need to do with out Sr. Laucks help, The newsletter is coming up , the Presidents Notes, a member of the Seventies is visiting the mission and need to do things for that. new handbooks being made and getting ready for transfers again. I can do this!!!! We hope!!!!

Happy Valentines Day

We were invited to attend the Vietnemes New Year celebration at the Vietnemes Ward. We went with the Dunnings. They served authentic Vietnemes food, It was an interesting experience. Some we really enjoyed and others will take some getting use to. Of course a lot of rice dished, sticky rice, pasty rice, gelitan rice.
It all looked very good The ward members made it and brought it.

Some of these dished were a type of sea food that did not looked cooked and I didn't care for the smell. I was chicken and didn't try any.

More beautiful food.

They feed about 150 people. A young man behind me told me about the food and why they were serving certin ones this day. He also suggested one we need to try and ones he liked, it was fun and helpful.

A lot has gone on since I last wrote. I'm going to down load some more pictures and tell about them to help me remeber all thats been going on in our lives. I can tell you one thing for sure we have had a lot of rain and it is very chilly. It has rain almost every day. That is ok we are not out in to much. But the poot missionaries. They seem to take it fine. They are amazing thier enthusiasm and dedication. They are on fire. They are breaking all the old records of this mission with referrals, teaching lessons and baptisms. They have felt the spirit of obedience and total commitment to the mission standards and following the teaching of the gospel as many hearts are being softened and people wanting the gospel in thier lives. It is a great blessing to us to get to see this happening.

This is a little video of the Dragon Dancers

Saturday, February 6, 2010

More pictures of transfer day

Come and get it

Just waiting for the word.
Sister missionary suitcase exploding

Sister Lauck setting up for lunch.
I can see I am not getting pictures in right order. Maybe next time.

This is all the luggage and boxes of bedding of the new missionaries.
Nine new and used bikes were there waiting the some special Elders to ride. and helmets.

Elder Rogers has his back to us Elder Dunning is in the white shirt, Elder Lauck in talking to him. The other missionaries are the trainers waiting to meet the new missionaries.

Yummy cookies None left when they got through.

Two yummy salads ready to go.

OH MY I just lost the last 30 min. of posting. !!!!!!! Keep smiling!!!!!! I'm going to get this yet! I don't know where I was. I think I was telling you about transfer meeting, which happens every 6 week.
Pres. and Sister Saylin bring in all the missionaries who are leaving (finished their mission) to the mission home and fix dinner (supper) for them and have a testimony meeting and farewell. Then Tue. morning early they all go to the Houston Temple for a session. They eat breakfast on the way(muffins and juice) after the session they have lunch and head for the airport to leave for home. While at the airport they pick up the arriving new missionaries, take them back to the mission home for supper and introductions. I don't know how Sister Saylin does it with 6 kids and all the missionaries she looks after. But she seems to be handling it fine. She is a great lady and I admire her very much. She does get help with housekeeping.
The office is busy getting everything ready. We've been working on things for a week. Getting schedules ,list and aliments made and food for the transfer meeting which happens of Wed.
We start about 7:00 am getting things ready and set up for breakfast and orientation meeting with the new missionaries . We have 15 this transfer. We have a breakfast of Kolaches( like a breakfast runza) fresh fruit, milk, orange juice. Then off to orientation meeting we each introduce ourselves and what we do in the mission office and how we will help the missionaries with the assignments.
They have meeting until noon and we feed them lunch Pizza, green salad, fruit salad, and cookies. Then have transfer meeting. Being new this time Gaylen and I got to bear our Testimonies to the group. I hope I get use to this. They have instruction and do the exchanges of companionship and new missionary companion. This brings quite a stir to everyone finding out who they are being put with and what area they will be in.

Feb 6, 2010

I'm finally back. The days are just rushing by. I have been coming home at night we read scriptures and I get ready for bed and in bed by 9:00 and sometimes 8:30. We often don't leave the office until 6 or 7. But I am starting to get hang of it.S L O W L Y !!!!!. I still can not believe all they have to do to keep things running smoothly.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

These are the Assisstance to the President Elder Schwarz and Elder Fiefia.
This is Elder and Sister Laucks. They are the ones we are replaceing. They are great and have help us a lot in learning our responsiblities. This is the back room the mail room.

This is Elder and Sister Dunning. Sister Dunning is over the finances and Elder Dunning is of the apartments and housing . We are really enjoying them. They will be here until Nov.

This is Gaylen's office he works from. He is having trouble with his computer right now they are trying to get it up and running. Its putting him behind on his work.
This is our little kitchen you can reach everything from standing in one place which is now a bad thing.

Look like nothing for supper! Let's go to Taco Bell!!!

Our laundry room the infamous work area and storage.

This is our dinning area. We have a pass through to the kitchen. It's handy.

Our living room-the missions furnishings.

This is our good memory case with all our dear family pictures and albums.

Our second bedroom we use as our computer room and office but it will probable have bunk beds in it to help house the missionaries as they come and leave the mission.

You can guess.

The other side of you can guess.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Starting over

I'm still having trouble learn how to do this. I thought I had written in this yesterday and caught us up to date but lost it. Oh well, good practice.
We had a good trip to Texas, we went to Moms on Fri. Jan 11 stayed the week-end. We got together with the family (Bill & Marlene, Kyle & Dana & family, Calvin & Jodee & family, Aunt Evelyn, Velma & Junior Perkins stopped by also. It was good to see and visit with everyone.
Marlene & Bill drove up with a new car they had just purchased. A Town and Country Van , really nice lot of nice features. We headed out Mon. morning right after Bill came by and sent us of with a case of TWIN BINGS (my favorite candy bar). We stopped at Ron and Mary's ,we had a good lunch & visit with them. Then stopped at Judy (Ruzicka) store and visited with her then off to Texas. Grand Island had had a great snow storm a few days before snow was piled up everywhere they were hauling it out in dump trucks. The road were clear and we had a good drive to Oklahoma City were we stayed the first night.
The second day we stayed in Huntsville, Tx.

We finally arrived!!! We went to the Mission Office in Sugar Land The Laucks greeted us and showed us around. The Dunnings came back from lunch and we met them. They are great couples and have been so kind and friendly and helpful. Made us feel very welcome.

Bro. Dunning brought us over to our apartment, I was pleasantly surprised to find a very nice apt. freshly painted and carpeted. We have two bedrooms, two walk in closets, dining/livingroom, small kitchen and laundry room with storage. Its just right for us. WE HAVE PLENTY OF ROOM FOR VISITORS! As soon as I learn how to put pictures in I show you our new home.

We were invited to Pres. & Sis. Saylin's home (our Mission President and wife and 6 kids) for supper and to met their family. They are great and so friendly. I'll tell you more about them later and get a picture.
We had a good meal then had an interview with Pres. Saylin, then we each introducted ourselves along with the Dunnings and the Laucks. And met the Saylin children ages 15 to 4.
They asked us to bear our testimonies and they shared thiers, it was a special evening.

We start each day early, we are at the Mission office a little before 8:00am to open up and put our running shoes on. I am amazed at all that goes on each to day to keep the mission running smooth.

Friday, January 8, 2010

We Are On Our Way!

We are just about ready to head out today for our 18 month journey! We had a wonderful time at the MTC. We learned so much, and had the chance to make some great new friends. We are just doing some last minute packing, and we will be headed out to see mom in Nebraska for a couple of days. Then from there it is down to the Houston, Texas mission! We will be staying in Sugarland, and can't wait to get into our new home and get settled. Keep in touch! We will love hearing from you, and hearing about what is happening while we are serving here. We are on the Lord's errand now. .. God be with you till we meet again.